Bald confidence reddit. Spent tons of money trying different products.

I didnt stand out. It just randomly showed up for me too and I follow mostly dirty sex stuff so I’m stumped 馃ぃ but I love the confidence all these men have and the support they get from each other. That being said, I do seem to have a lot more confidence when I'm not constantly obsessing over how it looks when it's grown out. But I was not ready for this so early in my life. Maintaining a good look when bald takes effort, and that effort is what is hot. But bald and muscley or at least in shape, is actually an 'in' or cool look. I will turn 23 years old this year, I started balding at 16 and already had a very visibly bald crown when I was 19. Nothing wrong with being bald Turns out, balding is terribly unattractive, but BALD, is hot. My personal style is to keep an even stubble. You absolutely have to accept, not fear, but accept that being bald will alienate some women, but you don't have to despair or be an incel or let it shake you. No one will mind you being bald besides yourself, it's a confidence thing. It’s definitely weird to get used to but I promise you will. Most don’t care. I'm confident in who I am, girls do not care if you are bald or not, if they do then they are not worth your time. Friends and coworkers crack jokes, but I know it's in good fun and it doesn't bother me at all. Most wigs should have that, even if they also have combs. The support system of this sub is really great in terms of knowing you're not alone, but objectively, the vast majority of women will choose hair over bald seven days a week and twice on Sunday if given the option. 5 year because my scalp is greasy and is prone to moles and freckles, now i have a lot, my doctor said that genetics play an important in that. I got a subtle job done with a faded hairline on the sides and a fairly subtle hairline on the top. Theres a surgey that her and her girlfriends get in the book to fix it somehow, so if it's really effecting your confidence you can always look into that. Build confidence in whatever way works for you, be it a new hobby or whatever. It's more about what I feel about me losing my hair. For many balding men I feel like Jason Statham is their muse. It's all about what we see in the mirror and what we do with it. If you dress well, work out, take care of yourself and carry yourself with confidence, being bald wont hold you back. Also if you are going to shave because bald do it with a good razor and crème. Instead, he uses the money to spend on good quality smart clothing, he revamped his wardrobe and accessories to make himself look more I had pretty much full horseshoe bald by 25, started at 18. Changes are inevitable. Aug 6, 2024 路 1. Great beard but you could seriously rock a strong mustache. It's not so much about confidence as it is about my struggle to accept the bald look as a viable alternative. true. They'd rather have the 20 year olds with hair. In the '50s, hats were all but mandatory as business attire. Your pictures, questions, stories, or any good content is welcome. Having to be bald sucks as it's not something you choose but something you just have to do and often you'll go back looking at your old photos or reading about transplant or SMP or whatever but let me tell you: for a man being bald is not a big deal from other people's perspective. I would not say that being bald is bad in general. This. Find someone who will inspire you to embrace yourself. Some people say I look like a monk, Asian Mafia, or even Krillin from Dragon Ball Z. It's rude to tell someone they look like shit. So if you're overweight or don't exercise much, start getting on the r/fitness or r/loseit train. I still embrace the bald life, although with a "little" help from SMP. So. I started losing my hair in my 20s. I’ve wanted to wear a wig Or just simply say "Yep, I'm bald. Every woman I’ve met loves it, none actually care about hair at all. Tips Description; 1. So at least we have a choice unlike before where you’d have to accept it no matter how good or bad you look bald. My gf doesn’t really like me bald but I was getting too self conscious combing my hair over trying to hide areas. The way they talk about it makes it sound like a terminal disease. It's kind of funny now that I've been bald for over a year and a half. I continued on with life, had a few good cries, and eventually I adjusted to the new aesthetic. By not letting media ads make you think You NEED "this" product to be secure with yourself, and to make women find you attractive. Women respond far more to confidence than pretty much anything else. This is ESPECIALLY true with fashion; the phase space of acceptability is VERY narrow for any given group at any given time. Wigs come in all imaginable styles and colors. And I think that’s true for anyone. I still get depressed from it now I’ll probably never be the same unfortunately but it is what it is. So now that you’ve taken the plunge, focus on putting all your energy into accepting yourself and completely brush off what other people might think in order to grow that confidence within yourself. No problem. When you have a guy that is different, you're going to polarize a lot more. Jan 21, 2023 路 Embracing baldness is a journey. My confidence went through the roof when I finally took the plunge and shaved my head. " Or just casually pretend like you didn't hear what they said and start talking about something completely unrelated. I have no doubt youll feel awesome. I was bald at 20 and honestly, for the first year I didn’t leave the house without a hat on but I would just say that you have to let it go. This will boost your self-esteem and make you look more attractive. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. Notice how many successful or happy bald people exist. My heart rate used to sky rocket and I would hear my heart beat. My self confidence took a very huge hit when this happened, and I lost a lot of hair during the succession Covid waves :/ My doctor told me it might stress related and I have been taking medication for hair growth as well, but don't think they are working. A lot of my friends did, and still do, have full heads of hair, so I felt like the odd one out. Imo, the only way for the vast majority of people to look good being bald is either being slim or being muscular. Mentally I’m better off now all thought especially in my mid-late teens it made me heavily suicidal and depressed. I have had injections. Dating game immediately improved because of it. I was just diagnosed with AA a few weeks ago. That alone should make a big difference to him. But I doubt it. A fat bald man will get very few likes, while a jacked bald man will still get very many. There has to be something that you have confidence in. My dad is bald, my mums father was bald so now it has taken into my life. I've always been kind of shy with women, but that made it worse. But I do have a rather extensive beard. Some people i don’t think i could ever imagine them with hair Reply reply My friend started going bald when he was 17, and my sister's boyfriend went bald in his mid-20s. I feel so sad about all of this because I'm a decent looking guy and without my hair I look very very unattractive. I even had really thick hair for my whole life. The people I care about don't care about my hair, and for the other group of people - well, the amount I care about what they think of my appearance couldn't be detected with a scanning electron microscope. Give it some time. You can feel better and increase your confidence if you find yourself a great wig. It's something that after you see, you can't unsee. Being bald never negatively impacted me. 123K subscribers in the bald community. A lot of bald men aren't happy of their looks and would like to have hair as everybody else. I have learned to mind my own business. Like, confident, socially exciting, strong personalities. A lot of the girls on here are going way out of their league too Also bald by choice. He’s still bald (of course) and I still love him. Looking good bald is 110% a confidence thing. BALD Swipe right. I refuse to believe we should be body positive about a thin head of hair. It's less about how women perceive me and more about how I perceive myself. So what I would do would be to wear a hat and go to raves w/ my shirt off. Embrace it, love it and be confident. What threw me back in a tailspin of anxiety was basically a mistake at the hair salon, where my long hair was cut to my shoulders. Bald men tend to ‘look’ more confident and successful according to research, especially if youre in good shape. If you look through my post history you’ll see I have male pattern baldness and what my head currently looks like. That always works for me, so I imagine it’d work for gay guys as Premise. What you do around that bald aesthetic is what truly matters. I have a good shaped head, and my girlfriend even tells me I'm the only bald guy she's been attracted to. Being bald is different, and thus elicits more negative reactions ONLINE (not in real life). I despise my height and body but the confidence boost in some sense of my self-image from buzzing it down helped a lot. Most women do not prefer a bald man and being bald generally shrinks one's potential dating pool. But with self-acceptance, the right grooming routine, and support, you can confidently rock a bald head. I have regrowth but I have tingling. I do have a lot of love for men's hair. Used daily, finasteride is highly effective at preventing and treating male pattern baldness. I think… Hello there, dear bald and balding friends. I read the book Geisha, A Life by Mineko Iwasaki and she speaks about how most geishas have bald spots where their hair pin always sits. Still, I don't do well with women and feel like it plays a huge factor. If you believe that you look good and carry yourself well, then people won't think twice about you no having hair. My bald friends all have the hottest girlfriends or wives. The point is when you fight going bald, you're not fooling anyone. The heartwarming stories are full of helpful tricks and motivation for Had 3 sessions last year, one minor touch up 3 months ago. Fortunately for you, the bald look is completely acceptable in today’s world, 30+ years back, nada. Most wigs I've tried on have had plastic clasps in the back instead of the velcro the wig I ended up buying has. Try to notice how many bald people are out there in the world though. Even if you've been bald forever: If you are truly at peace with your bald head, you don't need to chat about it with strangers. Some people don’t like it, but it’s a small group in my opinion. Save money. I currently have fairly long hair (goes down the bottom of my ears) but due to my thicker hair on the sides I actually have a fairly 'okay' combover (Bad, I know). As a result, their dating life becomes very very bad. I pick funkier eyeglasses and danglier earrings now to "dress up," but for the most part I remind myself that I am still me, hair or no hair. I just thought it might be cool. And actually in most cases of these shapes, going bald and rockin' a beard or 'stache would be infinitely better, as it is easier to look good that way. Aside from dressing well, if your a bald/balding male, confidence is key. Stress can cause hair loss but in all actuality, pay more attention to your body and staying in shape. I fell in love with a lot of girls, during these years, and some of them were overweight or bald ( it’s very very rare to find a bald girl, and they have it worse than bald men ), simply because i liked their behavior and their personality. I started going bald probably as early as 16-17. Just knowing that, when I shaved my head, I was able to let those emasculated feelings go. I also think baldness looks better on bigger men (either muscles or mass) and often having a beard also looks I would honestly just wear your bald head loud and proud and enjoy the low maintenance life. Bald guy here: I "clung to some scraps" for a couple years while in my mid 20's, but I shaved it all off on Jan 1, 2012 and haven't looked back since. I want a wig to help me with my self confidence, but also just scared of the cons of wearing one It's a lie. Hi, i've been bald for around 6 years, im 26 and the first few years i really did not take care of my head at all. Super handsome and masculine face. Now I embrace the look to the fullest. I’m a straight, 27 year old male who has a good job, financially stable and haven’t been able to meet a woman who I’m truly interested in. " It's usually used when referring to confidence, and it's sound advice. I didn’t lose my hair, but I started shaving my head bald at 23 off and on. Totally. I'd like to see the sides and back. If you have good facial features, maybe a beard, and look manly you’ll have no problems as long as your confidence doesn’t slide. Pictures are from one month ago in indoor and outdoor lighting. If your losing your hair don’t be afraid to wear a buzz cut or go bald, you can still be attractive without hair! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I managed to get dates every now and then, but I was always worried that the bald spot would put them off. There are no shortage of bald celebrities or athletes out there who you can draw inspiration from to build your confidence. But it’s amazing how with technology we at least have a choice. 117K subscribers in the bald community. Instead of blow-drying, brushing, and styling, simply moisturize and add sunscreen and you're out the door! The extra sleep you'll gain each morning will surely boost your mood and your confidence. When I mean slim I don't mean skinny, but at a healthy weight. I struggled with hair loss and being heavy for a long time and it killed my self esteem. My advice to you is to just accept it, and shave it clean. But I have found being bald makes things so much better aswell. shaving it off was the best thing I ever did because it just means not worrying about constantly trying to hide it. Next round is end of July. It’s so much more about who he is as an amazing guy than it would ever be about whether he had hair or not. Bald and skinny however is NOT a good look (look ill) That being said, after around 15 years of being bald, im considering a hair transplant. Personally, I like the smooth bald look until the top is completely gone and you’re left with just thick sides because it just looks so much more “even” and less unkept when you can still see patchy fuzz on top…once the top is naturally smooth then it looks kinda good to sport a little side hair to fade into the beard… I'm also worried clipping the top short will expose the balding I have ontop of my head too. Rather than believing in “the perfect person” it shifts to the current people I’m interested in and then reminds me they probably don’t like bald people (one even jokingly made fun of my hair to another friend when I wasn’t there) and then this leads down a spiral of negativity. Feeling depressed for balding doesn't make you weak. Own the bald bro, get a leather jacket, some nice jeans, a v neck t shirt and flat cap. Bald look on most Asians just doesn't cut it because of our facial features and head shape. A wig that has combs against your bald head might hurt after all day. I wouldn't call my state of mind "confidence" per se, so much as it is perspective. I started going bald at around 23-24 in that I developed a bald patch on top rear of my head and felt self conscious about it. TO be clear, you look better with no hair regardless, but you look way paler in the 2nd pic, and bald + pasty is never a good looking combo imo. it was a totally different story. Did the swoopy comb over for a bit, and felt awful and insecure. Invest in a quality wig or toupee. I suspect that forums like this sub largely attract people with some level of insecurity. It works by preventing your body from converting testosterone into DHT, the hormone that can damage your hair follicles and stop your hair from growing. 92 votes, 14 comments. If someone is still happy after going bald, I have got no problem with that. If you are like I was though it can take years for that confidence to just flow naturally because if it's false confidence then you will most likely come across as cocky or arrogant and it will have the opposite effect! It’s not that bad but it started messing with my confidence. He has balding issue as well and it greatly affects his self-confidence. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Once I started to shave my hair quite low down so that you can see the patches that definitely helped and it became a statement look. It’s the self confidence, sense of humor, personality and wit that will always be it for me. It screams self confidence and everyone responds well to a guy who projects self confidence. If I were to hop on rogaine, I’d be alright I think. Ladies don't seem to mind it at all. That is what people notice, confidence, not your personal style choices. Losing your hair can be an emotional as well as physical loss, particularly if going bald is related to an illness. Alopecia made me completely bald, browless, and lashless in less than a year. Love the low maintenance, and a shower shave is very therapeutic We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Personally, I'd say you make bald look good and you're a perfect example why im bald by choice The completely bald look was actually associated with even more masculinity and confidence than men who were not balding, and way more than our balding counterparts. If you're bald and insecure about it, just don't be. Confidence is key here. It actually looks good on a lot of guys, or at the very least, better than a heavily receding hairline. Being bald puts you behind 0-1, I can fully agree on that. You may have noticed a trend in everything I'm suggesting and basically, as you become bald, you need to present yourself as someone who takes care of their appearance. Everyone experiences things differently. Yeah here i got to agree confidence can really hide tons of aesthetical defects. It's natural to age and to start going bald. I don't have any confidence issues in regards to my hair. I went completely bald at 24, but I was in the best shape of my life. Taking charge of your life and being bald is a big step that can help lead you to be more confident. I shaved it all for the first time a little over two years ago. Then after travelling the world and looking for myself (as mentioned in the video) I started going bald at 21. I promise you. When I first went bald hated the way I looked, I had lost all confidence, drive, and motivation being young and the only one out of my friends and family to not have hair. EDIT: I also think its important to find a bald muse. I live in the eastern europe so I think there might still be a little bit of stigma around bald head, do you feel like people are afraid of you when you're bald or am i trippin? Did the damn thing u/Teal2289 I think my confidence was already down from when i noticed i was going bald but i felt a weight lifted when i shaved it off i dont look the best with a bald head either and my confidence slowly went up with time just believe in your self more take the hat off other wise you will always be hiding under that hat. Because in truth at the end of the day the opinion of others about the actual specifics of how we look mean nothing. Those who have hair (or those who don't but Lan Lan accept) say shit like embrace yourself, be proud, blah blah don't help at all. I have lost 50% of my hair in one month. I was 220 pounds when I took the plunge and didn't get/see much action at all at first. Most people in general are not really looking at or caring what you look like as long as you make the choice to wear that look with confidence. First, and probably the toughest, don't let other people get you down. I’m going bald. Once men start going bald, especially at a young age, many lose their self confidence. Hey gents, I'll have to apologize for going straight to the point. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. I'm 36 and had some disposable income I could use on it and thought it might enhance my bald look. So, I'm most definitely going bald. Despite all the above, confidence is key. The velcro is sooooo much more comfortable on my bald head. You bet your fucking ass it bothered me, with my confidence with women, with my confidence in how people would perceive me in general. I was getting a bald spot and decided to pre-emptively go for a shaved head look and I'm absolutely loving it. Castor oil is supposed to help with hair growth. Bald is 1000x preferable to the comb-overs/bald spots/toupes etc, and is certainly not the end of anyone's dating life; there are some dudes looking crazy good with bald hair + beard. Idk. You seem to have self image problems, and there are many ways to properly address that. Check out my first post on r/bald from two years ago - raw representation of my mental state at that time, my balding-related confidence was at rock bottom. >Do colleagues make fun of me for being bald at a young age of 25 ? Absolutely. But because for whatever reason the bald stigma is much less harsh for black men and a clean shaven head can even exude this sort of cool factor. Confidence is learned, it's not innate, here is some of the things that I did (and still do from time to time) to keep my confidence strong. Then wash your head. Embracing baldness: Accept your baldness and wear it with confidence. It really wrecked my confidence as I wasn't sure what to do about it. Not to sound cocky but Im lucky do look good bald I get tons of attention from women and I’m 28 Being in shape also helps but confidence is key. Nobody sees a a bald guy and thinks "omg that dude looks awful". My confidence has certainly gone up, not down. In conclusion, embracing baldness is a process, and it’s not always easy. u will get advice what u should do abt hair & not going bald >Do girls avoid guys suffering from hair loss/thinning ? May 16, 2018 路 Bald men of Reddit shared their biggest dating tips and pieces of relationship advice for other men suffering from hair loss. Definitely shave it. Reply PrinceChristian88 • So this hints that a lot of bald men indeed care, even if they do everything to hide and/or deny it. Ever since then I've rocked the bald hard ever day and night, and have exactly zero hair envy. At this point, you look more like a bald boy, and less like a self confident man. Im 37 and shave my head with a razor every other day. 馃懆馃徏‍馃Σ I am prematurely bald myself haven’t hit my 30s yet. See full list on wellandgood. While it is unusual being bald at 21, I'd say it was definitely worth it. If you’re able to grow a beard, that helps compliment the masculine look, but it’s not a necessity. It's fine to be bald. And yes, it hurts the confidence for a lot of men. My confidence was largely find as I was used to being bald. So as the title says, I'm 25 and already balding. Remember to be proud of yourself and how far you’ve come in your life, and on your hair loss journey. I think it's MUCH better than a receding hairline or bald spots. Or tell them they'd look great bald and start giving them tips. I have heard mixed thing about Good morning! I'm 28 and have had my head completely shaved from 23. . Confidence is attractive for starters. Find your look and style, and keep your confidence up. In this article, we'll give you a step-by-step guide on how to build unshakeable self-confidence. They’re used to it and understand it by the time they reach dating age. Confidence, all but gone, especially with ladies. Panic, bad hair transplants , then hair systems, missing out on so much 20 & 30 somethings extracurricular activities. You’re only 23 and very young. Don't get a wig. BUT. But don't worry, we're here to help. I love feeling clean after a shower and how hoodies basically Velcro on lol. Bald in a button up J-Crew with khahkis is a very clean, professional and strong look. Bald can also be seen as more masculine, which women like. That way in 10 years or whatever when you're actually bald, you aren't the poor old chump who slowly went bald and is now OLD, you're the old bad ass with a shaved head who was a young bad ass with a shaved head. If you not you’re gonna be that insecure bald guy which people don’t like. I went bald in college. Bald dudes nowadays have a really cool stigma attached to them. It’s a big change. /r/DotA2 is the most popular English-speaking community to discuss gameplay, esports, and news related to Valve's award winning free-to-play MOBA DotA 2. What bothers me is that I still like to watch Roman's videos, but I don't know if he's a creep like Bald as well, who he did some collabs with (just recently he did a podcast with him). Huge beard, bald head! Seriously though, embrace it and love it. It still feels like a new haircut just cause I haven’t seen most of my friends in over a year, and when things start reopening they’ll see my sleek cut. In that respect I grew somewhat arrogant and didn't develop any worthy social skills, neither game, nor confidence, nor character. Male with thinning hair and balding. Just rock it - and shave the whole thing and rock your baldness with pride. For what it's worth, I'm 34 years old, and after shaving my head a year ago, I'll never go back. 496 votes, 54 comments. Women wont date u. I have always had full naturally wavy hair. 10 votes, 18 comments. That way if you look good bald you can rock the shaved look and if you don’t look good bald you can get a hair transplant. I’m on finasteride already too. Most importantly it physically feels more comfortable to me than having hair. Most of us just look like cancer patients, convicts, drug addicts, monks or just plain teeko peks with the bald look. Spent tons of money trying different products. I'm a bald guy and women treat me like I have the plague now. More. In my experience confidence >>>>> hair when it comes to attracting girls. I've always wanted girls to be attracted to me. For one, if you’re not super attractive then online dating is pointless, for every 1 profile a girl makes there’s another 10 guys, so girls have all the choice in the world, they’ll always go for the most attractive guys and even dudes who are semi good looking will struggle. To be completely honest, in the grand scheme of things, just in my opinion, a full head of hair is tops. Being bald can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend grooming in the morning. I have extremely bad thinning on top and sides and a large bald spot on my crown. It's a pretty cool look and you can sport it with confidence! One thing I definitely reccomended is to keep some facial hair with the shaved look. Bald spots look bad. Carrying yourself well and being well-spoken are very important to ones look/persona. I know this is a sensitive subject and maybe i’m stepping in to a domain that i don’t belong in, but i feel very passionate about this because so many of you are asking about what women think. You can always change your style a bit and work on that self esteem king. Not me, but a story of my mutual friend. It really shows how vapid and shallow our society is when it comes to physical appearance. In your early to mid 20's sucks ass. When we find that look our confidence is what others see. White Iverson When I started ballin' I was young You gon' think about me when I'm gone I need that money like the ring I never won, I won Saucin', saucin', I'm saucin' on you I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin' oh ooh I'm ballin', I'm ballin', Iverson on you Watch out, watch out, watch out, yeah That's my shot, that's my shot, that's my shot, yeah Spendin', I'm spendin' all my fuckin' pay Its great that as his twin you will also shave. Some might not care too much if they have the appropriate head shape etc. 64 votes, 48 comments. If you can’t grow a beard then great, go for the upside down head look. I think it a few things come into play here. Being an attractive bald dude isn’t anything about the looks, it’s the confidence. If you don’t like how you look bald, try growing facial hair with it, it may change your opinion. All else being equal not many men want to be bald. Hit the gym, etc. Clickbait, spam, memes, ads/selling/buying, brochures, classifieds, surveys or self-promotion will be removed. Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. Im so screwed, minoxidil and steroid treatments are out of my pocket, i feel like bald guys can just rock it easier and its more accepted for them to just go full moon, many good actors and millionaires are bald, meanwhile bald females arent that prominent, i just look awkward like a stillborn animal and get asked pretty frequently if im sick Hello all, I've been in denial about going bald for the past few years but this past year my hair as started to get a lot worse. So basically I've been doing a lot better this year after a few years of debilitating depression and anxiety. I re-read that post a few days ago and was shocked at how down I was back then. The amounts of times I've heard ''I don't usually fall for bald men'' is ridiculous. I don't want this to come off as a temper tantrum on how hairloss has destroyed my confidence. 3 years ago when I had hair. In my opinion, bald always looks better than balding. 86 votes, 17 comments. It didn't once I started close cropping, and then just chrome dome. But I DO know that as a straight guy, I’m attracted to women who have a look (whether it’s prep or punk or hippie or whatever) and own it with confidence. Thanks for writing this! I try to think this too but I guess my results oriented nature sometimes takes over. So really the key if you're going bald is to start working out, which is only a good thing for your self-confidence. If you are below the age of 30 it will still be a bit tougher than if you had hair, but you will still be dateable. Been bald since i was 17 due to alopecia (for reference, I'll be 21 in a few weeks) What I've learned is there is no 'bald' look. Or if you have a sense of humor then just start making bald jokes along with them. Time-saving, also love the bald look on myself and also how it looks on people in general. Literally the day after just shaving my head I got a girlfriend. In my case, 18-year old me looked to Jason Statham. I was regaining self esteem and confidence and feeling overall positive about the future. You just look pathetic. I had wrestled in college and then transitioned to MMA. It became completely noticeable and unavoidable around 20-21 (I'm talking bald spot, deeply receded hairline) and I have been shaving my head ever since then (I'm white, not pale but fairly lighter complexion). However I definitely think that there's a type of balding that doesn't fit anyone (GTA's Trevor or the full comb over to hide a bald top) and it's better to shave everything even if being bald doesn't naturaly suits your head the best. He seems like a genuinely decent human being and is probably just unaware of who Bald, most likely, really is. In short, I think you might be acting like a guy with low confidence, and people are treating you like a guy with low confidence. Then put some jojoba oil on it. This post reminds me of a post an artist made where the character was supposed to have a darker skin tone, but there was an incredibly bright light source right in front of their face, so the character looked white, and the artist caught a lot of flak in the comment section from other artists claiming that lighting doesn't change skin tone that drastically. I never did much and still girls orbited around me and I had cool friends everywhere. A very young man with a bald head, none to zero beard growth (apparently) and you have a V-shaped face, which isn’t the ideal shape for a bald look imho. Now, i've been going with my dermatologist for over 1. I'm sorry, but if you're bald as a guy you might as well give up on finding love because no woman wants you. In fact, building self-confidence is a process that takes time and practice. Some really like it. Everyday we get people on this sub panicking about being bald or bemoaning that their life is over because they're bald. #1. Maybe because Michael Jordan went bald early on and he was like a top 3 most famous person in the world back in the 90s. hi 25f here and i would just like to say that every single one of you look 100% better bald. Being bald takes courage and it takes strength to be okay with standing out, and I promise you if you just go for it the confidence will follow and youll feel so much better. We're definitely in the minority in our age group and most of the advice on this sub and other sites is obviously more related to men who are in their mid to late twenties and older. I don't love letting it grow at all so i have to shave everyday but whatever. If you have thinning or loss of hair shaving it is 100% the best thing to do, looks miles better than trying to hide the fact. I second this. In majority of cases, if your headshape is so "wrong" that it would infulence your bald look, it would also infulence your hair look, so idk how that would be worse. We can't use a Positive Mental Attitude into changing the aesthetic reality of a bald spot. Balding is mehh, if a guy has the confidence to rock being completely bald thats pretty attractive. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Sorry. The sooner you accept it and start shaving the better. I used to shave my head completely bald for a time and that’s the style I did. Have fun with this adventure and know that its the best feeling haircut anyone can have. Thank me later when ladies are loving your confidence and rubbing your bald head because it is so smooth. I have tried minoxidil and other medications prescribed by doctor for over an year. As to the bald thing, I’ve only been doing it about a month and I don’t know the first thing about attracting dudes. Aug 6, 2024 路 Save time. There’s some bullshit statistics that ap For the most part in society, very little is optional; what isn't forbidden is required, and what isn't required is forbidden. I’ve never met a bald dude I didn’t love. Up until now. I'm only 22, so I'm not quite sure where it comes from. I'm really just looking for abit of advice, my confidence has been hit hard since I began balding when I was 20 and Id like to gain my confidence back and be able to talk to people with feeling like they're staring at my bald spot. A lot of people can relate. I know that i am still the same bald that i was preSMP, but the procedure really made a difference in my confidence. I was just a chubby/fat bald guy. Exercise is always good and it builds so much confidence, though with a I went bald at 12 (yea you read that right) from cancer drugs that unfortunately had a permanent/lasting effect on my hair. Reply reply More replies More replies SpectralDM Jan 21, 2023 路 Hearing how they’ve found confidence, self-acceptance, and even success was incredibly inspiring for me. Also gotta say that I really like the shape and structure of your head. I think I was just less 'offensive' looks wise. r/travel is a community about exploring the world. I felt that I do not feel normal. Always blows mind the guys who genuinely think they look better with a mop on their head or the "race against time" hairline, rather than just accept the situation and shave. Easier said than done though. if you are worried about how being bald I personally believe that some people look even better full shaved and can rock that style and si they’re dating life got better, but when i Go out in clubs i see like no bald guys, no shaved but maybe combover, all have this majestic hair and this increases girl aspectation and when a guy in his 20’s unfortunately lose hair due to genetics he is seen as inferior (even if his not). And the world doesn’t care either. No issues there. Theoretically, losing your hair shouldn't have a huge impact. Did going Bald effect your confidence and self esteem? So much seems to be put on hair being a key part of being attractive. Anyway, I had always said that if I was going bald I would embrace it and shave it rather than having a disgusting combover. It's been about eight months now i think and i love being bald. Those who do will hear it from thier friends & parents how they r dating an insecure Ganja(Bald person). Much. It’s only been a couple weeks per your post. People do not care if you are bald or not, it literally does not matter so there is nothing to think about, if you don't care, no one else will care I'm 35 now and haven't had any negative thoughts about being bald in over a decade. At the end he gave up and just shaved bald. Hello I'm 22 years old and I'm going bald. If you're bald and skinny, that does not look good, generally speaking, and that further dents your confidence. Shaved my head as soon as I graduated high school and haven’t gone back and never will. Sure women all have their preferences, but there are lots and lots and LOTS of women who prefer bald men or don't have a preference in regards to hair, hairstyle and hair color. So you may get a disproportionate number of people who are overcompensating, compared to the general bald population. The counter to your argument is implied in the first sentence, though. My advice to you would be a few things. i’m here to tell you the bald is soooooo much more attractive. Still don’t know how I feel about being bald. I'm going to give it some time to be sure it's what I want but I look forward to lasering myself permanently bald. Hi, I've made a lot of posts on reddit about a lot of personal issues and here's another one! I'm three months away from being 20 years old and I'm… I’m not a woman but as a guy my suggestion would be make sure it’s all gone. Yeah I get bald jokes here and there, but it was my decision so it does not bother me one bit. com I started loosing my hair about 3 years ago. or something like that. Thanks for reminding me. Dating in your late 20's or Early 30's as a bald man is fine. You've probably heard the saying, "fake it 'til you make it. Sep 17, 2017 路 Finasteride is an oral medication for hair loss. jateyvbk xivl rypvf yjnb tybxs caplaa uus mcl zodbl bqc